Love Matters

Do you ever sit down and take a moment to think about the people you love? I mean seriously think about each quality that make those ever-annoying people in our lives, the loves of our lives? In recent days, I think everyone has thought about love & loss due to Kobe Bryant’s tragic helicopter crash. This accident left a lot of families without mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, so much loss.  

Yesterday, I wondered, if the Love of my life knows, He is that? Have I taken the time to ensure his days on Earth are worth waking up next to me?  Are you asking yourself the same?The goal of Love is unconditional, no quid pro quo, a selfless but mindful act. It’s checking in, no text, a call, not DM, It’s in person, not FaceTime. It’s the expression of Gratitude; a Thank You for loving me for me. It’s the recognition and realization that this person, these people in my life matter.  

I say, I’m in love and this is the person I choose.  But there is one thing, we must take the time before and after the wedding day & night; the Business of Love.  Hear me, Love must become a daily chore, it doesn’t come easy, it’s labor, it’s a job from the moment you open your eyes, to the time you close.  

Focus on those love matters. Put in the work and continue to grow in your relationships. If you allowed a relationship to escape you, rebuild it. And Never lose sight of the importance of the person. So when the moment comes or it’s time to renew, and it’s time to celebrate, Gown & Garter, NinaMichelle Couture, will create the Gown, Dieux Atelier will make the suit.


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